Thursday, 9 July 2015

The Beast of the Sea

Time for another children's story from the records, I think. Enjoy:

The Beast of the Sea calls to me,
It sings of the bottomless depths.

And of sailors long forgotten,
Not one, not two, not three.

But as many as there has ever been,
Calls the Beast of the Sea.

And so I call back to it,
Shout at the bottomless depths.

"Why, oh why,
Would you make them die?"

And so he calls back to me,
The Beast of the Sea.

"It was not I that made them die,
No, not I.

All that I caused was them to fall overboard,
As they looked for the treasures of the deep."

"Is that what you want of me?"
I asked, intrigued.

"No, not that," the beast did cry,
"No, I want you to remember."

"Remember what?" I called at last,
As the oceans waves did crash.

"Remember me as not the Beast of the Sea,
But merely a curiosity.

I sang my song and things went wrong,
And so now I'm silent as can be.

After Charybdis, the Sirens, Scylla and more,
The Kraken and heroes, not one, not four.

But as many as have been before.
Will you join me, in the depths of the sea?"

"And now I go," said me,
"Now I go to the Beast of the Sea."

And so the waves did crash,
But I was not there to hear.

For I was in the bottomless depths
And spinning round was I.

As round and round I went,
Round the Beast of the Sea.

From ‘Warnings from the World’ by Leo Skia, Children's Stories Writer. Written in 812 AH.

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