Sunday, 5 July 2015

The Creators and The Originals

A little while ago, somebody commented that they wanted to know more about the Creators, so here we are. I've decided to take an extract from an Elemental report about the subject as I feel that it goes into the most detail without compromising on reliability. Enjoy:
The Creators are Elementals of incredible power that have ascended to the level of gods and goddesses in the eyes of the ancient humans. They help govern the Elements and rule over their respective Elementals. They are known as the Creators as it is believed that they helped create the various manifestations of their respective Elements (along with the Originals and Elemental Plates themselves) either during the original creation period or later on (depending on the Creator's age, of course). 

The Creators can also be split into further groups such as the Ancients or the Originals. The Originals are a group of 10 Creators who, ultimately, govern their respective Element and are the keepers of their Elemental Plate. They were, also, the first Elementals created by their respective Elemental Plate. There is not much known about a lot of the Ancients after the Great War as records of who they were have disappeared, and suspected members refuse to talk about them, but it is thought that they are the oldest members of their respective Element (after the Originals).

The Creators are the ones that generally hold council over the Elementals, although the council is open to all Elementals. In addition, each Elemental race, tribe or faction are allowed to govern their own laws so long as they do not overall the core laws of the Elementals. 

It is not known how many Creators they are although they are suspected to number in the thousands if not more. Not many have been captured by the ES over the years (and those that are, are, searched for with the highest priority) due to their incredible power (although this fact also makes them more susceptible to hunting). However, some are presumed to be captured and kept in the highest security ES prisons such as Garthour. 

From ‘A Study of our Leaders’ by Hyrung Ki, Elemental politician and historian. Written in 1496 AR.

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