About Me

Hello everyone. I am the Chronicler and I'll be you're host, guide and friend as we explore the place in which we reside. Welcome to the Elemental Chronicles! Whether you're looking for a quick bit of information on your favourite places, Elementals, items and history or you want to throw yourself into the wealth of Knowledge this Chronicle contains, I'm sure we can find something for you! There will be direct interviews and documentation of people and events, uploads of some of the great writers of our time and, of course, some notes from me. So, have at it, throw yourself in or tiptoe around the edges, I can guarantee you'll learn something new!

And once you've learnt something and what to learn more, why not comment a question? Then I'll know what to chronicle next (seriously, it would be a big help; there's so much to do!). Finally, due to the nature of different people's/Elemental's bias, some documents might contradict each other (but I find that that just adds to the fun!)


  1. When's the next post coming out?
    And who's Tisa Cerste?

    1. I'm afraid that I must apologise for the lack of posts recently but there have been certain... predicaments that I have had to deal with. Now, while I know that this is no real excuse, I hope that you will stay with me as I begin to get these chronicles back on track.
      And, as for Tisa Cerste, I think it best that you just forget that name...

      Yours Sincerely,
      The Chronicler

    2. Don't worry, you won't be able to forget me for long...
