Monday, 4 May 2015

The Legacy of O.U.T.L.A.W.S. No. 15 Final Warning

The lexarch screamed and brought up her hand, two black keys hanging from her fingers. The leader of the League of Hunters halted his strike in shock. He left it for a second too long...

Gedrick brought his hammer, Stonebreaker, round and smashed Kyko's weapon out of his hands, before drawing Smokespittter, and firing three shots at point blank range. Jared was thrown against the wall, his armoured uniform shimmering, a look of surprise etched on his face.
"Get the Amulet!" commanded Gedrick.
Fam grabbed the Lifegiver Amulet and they ran back through the temple.
"Is he dead?" asked Exalndria when they entered the ethereal green room.
"Negative," responded INFOS "His armour is laced with Swifore - he could have survived another twenty shots or so. He is, however, unconscious, though I fear not for long... well done Gedrick, but do you not think that you could have finished the job?..." 
"I'm beginning to wish I had, INFOS," Gedrick grimaced "I'm beginning to wish I had."
They kept running, weaving back through the Temple and to the door.
Exalndria ran forwards and tried to open the door, "It's stuck," she yelled.
Fam joined the lexarch and strained against the stone. After a second or two where it didn't move, they stepped back and Fam nodded to Gedrick.
The dwarf stepped forwards and placed his hand on the door, feeling the rock. Stonesplitter smashed into the stone, spider-webbing it.  Gedrick breathed out and the door disintegrated. The Team ran outside.
"Look," whispered Fam, pointing back at the entrance. Vines, ivy and other plant life grew up from where the door once stood, sealing the Temple of the Everlaster.
"Will Kyko be able to get out?" asked Exalndria "Or is that the last we've seen of him?"
"I doubt it," Gedrick started to walk off, "Come on, we've got to get the Lifegiver to Orpos."
They set off and the forest relaxed once again.
*                                                                             *                                                                                *
"His life signs are stabilizing again," said Alice, once again on door duty to the Infirmary.
"But he won't get any better?" Fam asked Exalndria.
"No," she shook her head, "He'll stay like this for ever if her keeps the Lifegiver Amulet on."
"But this gives us time to find a better cure?"
"This is an awful lot of trouble to go through to save one member of one team." said Rick Rathe, who had just entered, "Not to mention the fact that you were unauthorized to go on such a mission."
"How dare you!" cried Fam, standing up "How can you!... how can you even!..." she stopped and Gedrick took her hand, sitting her back down.
"We weren't about to give up on our friend," he continued and then stopped, "Wait, how did you even know that we...?" he looked at Exalndria who had suddenly started to act very uncomfortably.
"Yes," replied Rathe, smiling, "She told me."
"But why?" asked Fam, "Why would you do that?"
"Because we were disobeying the rules," replied the lexarch, "And because we were wrong to do so."
"But it was to save our friend!"
"Why is his life more important than anyone else's!" cried Exalndria "More important than our own? More important than the rest of O.U.T.L.A.W.S.?"
"Because he cared for me!" replied Fam, angrily, "Because he saved my life and because he lead our team. He's helped us all!"
"You didn't have to come, Exalndria," it was Gedrick who spoke now, "Like you said, it was an unofficial mission. Although that's not the only unofficial mission you've been on, now is it?"
Exalndria jerked backwards, "I don't know what you're talking about, Gedrick."
"But I do," replied Rick Rathe, "And as for the keys, that is your new mission. Find them and bring them back to the O.U.T.L.A.W.S. HQ. And as for you," he looked at Fam and Gedrick "You are on your final warning."
"Right then," said Gedrick, turning to Exalndria "Since you know the most about these things, and you're the only one not to be on their final warning, you can lead us to them. So, boss, where's the next key? Oh," the dwarf noticed Fam's confused face, "You might want to explain this to her. I'm going for some mead, come and find me when you've got a plan." 

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